Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Aerial Flyer - Lower hull construction 3

Some more progress...

The strut from the deck house to the tail plane is now plated, the forepeak is in place, and I've begun to apply the trim to conceal the joins in the deck house plates. As I mentioned before the Humbrol polystyrene adhesive gives off nasty fumes, so I'm limited in how much time I have to work on this before the yodeling wombats try to run me over in their muscle cars. I've got to get a fan or something to disperse the glue fumes...


  1. It's coming along nicely! Fun to see the ongoing construction process.

    For future reference - Testor's (and probably others) makes a non-toxic polystyrene cement for plastic models that works just as well as the more odious kind in my experience (for gluing, not for visions of wombats).

  2. Looking better with every update. Good work!

    Glues without solvents what's the world coming too! Visions from inhaling such just adds to the VSF experience ��

  3. Thanks, gentlemen! Fitz-Badger, I'll look out for Testors. It sounds just what I need.

    Hmm, yes, Captain, I can see certain Victorian practices making hay with the nasty-smelling stuff. I don't think there's anything they didn't snort, drink, eat or inject themselves with.



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