Sunday was a productive day. I finished the trio of 17th century buildings for ECW gaming, and they'll work just fine for VBCW.
Parliamentarian pikes form up in the street. |
The old stone church has probably seen plenty of military shenanigans in its time. |
I made two timbered houses and an inn, which work nicely alongside the medieval church and alms houses.The inn walls look nice and bright, which would be appropriate for a new building of the age. I settled for a neutral slate roof for all three, using a mix of silver and tan craft paints to get that slight sheen of slate (try saying that three times quickly!). The silver paint is quite thick, almost like a gesso, and I stroked the brush horizontally to get the effect of rows of tiles. It doesn't quite show up in the photos, but looks okay in real life.
My next projects will be a churchyard and that staple of British villages, the pond.
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