Monday, June 13, 2016

CoC eyed.

So, the mini-campaign based on the Too Fat Lardies' Chain of Command and At the Sharp End rules is at an end.

On the whole they gave a good series of games, with logical steps and post-battle effects in cascading order. Campaign wise, I found that once a force suffers two defeats in succession it's hard for it to retain effective fighting capability. It's realistic, given forces locked in a prolonged fight will suffer degrading combat effectiveness to the point where one side or the other goes beyond the ability of the senior command to restore its strength. The BUF found this after the defeats at Honington and the following clash over the Crown Jewels.

The friction of war is the major feature of the CoC rules, and it certainly appears on the tabletop battlefield. I did find it frustrating when a unit vital to the success of the engagement refused to move or got bogged down somehow. Overall, I have no complains and much to praise in these rules.
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Sometime this week I hope to play the next game of Colonials, with the Men of Barsetshire making an appearance. I have the terrain made up for it now, so I can go ahead when I find time.

Meanwhile VSF stuff is catching my eye, including this beauty...

It's Neverwas Haul, out of the Obtanium Works stable. A mobile three-storey Victorian steam-powered university-cum-observatory, it frequently appears at the famous Burning Man steampunk festival in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada.

I believe I'll attempt to make something in 25-28mm along these lines. It'll be just the ticket for an eccentric expedition into strange lands. To see it in action amidst a dust storm, check out the video.



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