Saturday, July 28, 2018

Summer scenery

Time flies. It's been over a month since I last posted. Summer seems to get so busy, especially when trying to keep a new garden alive during a prolonged hot dry spell. Even so, I found a bit of time to make some more N scale/10mm scenery. The primary use will be for ECW, but it'll also serve for AVBCW.

First up, the edifice I keep thinking of as The Big Hoose. Don't ask me why, as my games aren't set in Scotland. Perhaps it's because I've been listening to The Doings of Hamish and Dougal lately!

The house is a Tudor style affair with three jetty floors and dormer windows. I made the footprint about the same as other buildings in my collection so as not to take up too much table gaming space, but it's taller (second only to the village church in height) so it'll be more dominant in the wee community. Once painted it'll be the main residence in the village, perhaps the home of the laird - er, lord of the manor. The chimneys are Hirst Art blocks. I worked mostly using half-inch foam core with hot glue and Aileen's glue, with card for the roof. A thin coat of spackle over most of the walls and roof gave it a bit of texture.

Next up is a barn. I have enough houses so a few more agricultural buildings are needed. Again I used Hirst Arts blocks, this time for the main structure. A couple of two inch blocks and two angled pieces make the walls and eaves. The texture looks like clay cob or rendered whitewash in this scale.

A card square does for the peaked roof and the barn doors. I may make it a thatched roof.

I thought more walls wouldn't go amiss so I made these from corrugated card and a few minutes with a hot glue gun. They're all ready for painting and ground work.

The lower level walls (left) will surround the churchyard. I would like to make gravestones and tombs in such a way they won't obstruct figures deployed in it. Perhaps something two dimensional would do the trick.

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