Wednesday, February 28, 2018

And then there's this

One of those perpetually irritating things about moving house is the way things can vanish in transit. When we last moved over five years ago, my whetstone disappeared. Hunt high and low as I might, I could not find the blasted thing. I always forgot to buy a new one when we visited the hardware store, so I've done without.

Yesterday, while moving a chest of drawers, the whetstone appeared. I swear I searched for it in that chest of drawers half a dozen times along with all my other Man Cave furniture without success. And here it is, all dumb and innocent.

It's a useful item to have, and cheap too. A drop of mineral oil or baby oil on the stone and a few quick swipes back and forth restores a Stanley knife or modelling knife blade quite nicely, extending their life and reducing the need to buy new.

So, I don't have to buy a new stone. Now, if I can just find my inks...


Norm said...

Good tip, I have only ever used mine for chisels, keeping knife blades sharp by a large whetstone is a good idea.

A J said...

Thanks. The tip came from a friend who was a carpenter-joiner. I find it economical.

Carlo said...

Haven’t we all been in that situation AJ. Glad it finally decided to return to the ranks after being AWOL for so long.

Martin said...

Apply 25 lashes (strokes) immediately with your hobby knife to show the rest of your hobby stuff that desertion will not be tolerated! Then apply baby oil to it to show mercy.

A J said...

I like that suggestion, Martin! It must be taught a lesson. =)


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