Friday, April 22, 2016

Heading to the Hills - 6

And now for the final stages of the hill construction. I filled in a few blemishes which still persisted in showing through the paint, and added patches of sand to break up the smoothness of the top surfaces.

This was followed by a wash of brown craft paint, which I allowed to dry thoroughly before moving on to wet brushing in light tan followed by magnolia.

I restricted the magnolia highlights to the upper half of the pieces. Having darker tones at the bottom segueing into lighter shades at the top gives a greater impression of height to an object.

CSM Harrington and Cpl. Lewis find something interesting to shoot at.
The hills can be used in any time period and for Pulp, VSF and SF gaming. These are the terrain pieces I wanted done before moving on to the next Darkest Africa game. The Barsetshire Lads have had enough time off; now they face the challenge of traversing the rugged hills before reaching the lake country to the north of G'Wundaland. Will they succeed? Who will try to stop them? Stay tuned to find out...


  1. What a great result, I have thoroughly enjoyed watching your progress on this project and clean a few tips for my own future builds.

  2. Thanks Michael, I'm glad you liked it and gained something worthwhile.



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