Thursday, October 22, 2015

ECW project

There seems to be a trend toward gaming the ECW afoot here in the cyberworld of wargaming. Tradgardmaster is dipping his toes in the water, and Jeff at the Saxe-Bearstein blog has an ongoing ECW project. I did game the period in 1/300th scale years ago, but it fell by the wayside. The occasional game at the New Buckenham club kept a small flame of interest flickering. I decided to fan it to life yesterday by ordering some of the excellent Pendraken Miniatures ECW figures, enough to give me three regiments of foot, a regiment of cavalry and a light artillery piece each. I'll add more foot, cavalry and dragoons by and by.

Rules-wise, I intend to use Victory Without Quarter by Clarence Harrison. Jeff kindly brought these to my attention as they have the facility for solo play. I did consider The Perfect Captain's Very Civile Actions: In the end they didn't appeal to me, but their campaign rules, Tinker Fox, look promising.

I'm quite looking forward to getting my new project going!


  1. I have yet to get into it myself, but it is an era of history that interests me and I have a few books on the subject (as well as the Thirty Years War and things like the Musketeers of Dumas fame). I will be interested to see what develops on your blog.

  2. I did very much enjoy using Clarence Harrison's "Victory Without Quarter" rules as a solo game. We are not using them for our ECW action because my chief opponent dislikes VWQ, so we are trying other rule sets.

    When I solo-gamed VWQ it was actually out-of-period because I didn't have any ECW troops at the time . . . so I used some late Renaissance figures and set it about a century earlier using a pair of Imagi-Nations with online generals giving me orders to carry out. The whole affair (including three different battles) can be found on my "Alpian Wars" blog:

    Everyone, please note that there is a link on the above blog to download the excellent VWQ rules.

    Good Luck with your project, AJ.

    -- Jeff

  3. Cheers, gentlemen! I'm waiting eagerly by the mailbox for my order to arrive. With the garden winding down for the year I'll have more time to paint.



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