Monday, May 11, 2015

This Sceptered Isle

My wife and I are back from Marcon 50 where we had a great time this weekend. The atmosphere was terrific, with plenty of folks to meet and share SF/Fantasy and gaming nerdiness with. I sold all my artwork, the Aerial Flyer was a hit, and I even got to meet Steve Jackson (yes, that Steve Jackson). Having seen to the garden (the lawn seems to have grown three inches in as many days!) I've turned my thoughts to my next game in A Very British Civil War context. Which brings me to this...

The famous "PK", AVBCW buff and illustrator extraordinaire conceived a multi-national gaming effort in the genre set around the theft of the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London. The poster explains the background. To quote PK...

"38Fest2015: This Sceptred Isle is a celebration of 1938 A Very British Civil War, where it hopes to bring together the whole VBCW community with the aim of an international game, yes international, as some of the players and followers of this are chaps who live outside of these Isles and it would unfair to exclude them from the enjoyment of this. So what is planned is a series of games based on the scenario below that will feed into the Partizan game, in Newark, on 31st May. What we are hoping if this is a success that more of these campaign style event which happen in the future and help drive the VBCW plot along."

You can't say fairer than that. My own game will take place in the disputed area between the towns of Thetford in Norfolk and Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk. With luck and a following wind I'll play it through to Chain of Command rules tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to reading all about it mate. Hope it's as much fun as ours was!



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