Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Launching the Aerial Flyer

'Tis complete! The vessel left the slipway this afternoon and soared into her natural environment, the sky.

Last touches included the navigation lights on the deck house and mast, painting and varnishing the sides and lower hull, and painting the 57mm Rotary Cannon.

The crew are Riveresco naval personnel.

The navigation lights are pearl-type plastic beads glued to a short section of plastic tube then inked and varnished. A pin through the bead hole secures it to the flyer.

I decided against using any decals so I could keep the model generic enough to suit any owner/operator.

And the optional aerial torpedo configuration.

To round things off I made a flight stand. When I explained to my lovely lady wife what a Flyer is and where it's to be encountered, she pointed out that the base should be red to fit in with Martian terrain. I took up her suggestion and made one side of the flight base red, the other green for deployment to Earth or Venus. The red looks rather hotter in the photo than in real life, but I might give it a wash of terracotta to tone it down more.

So there we have it. It gives me a real feeling of accomplishment having completed this little model after three weeks or so of effort. As it happens I've been invited to display the Aerial Flyer at the upcoming Marcon Multiple Realities convention in Columbus, OH this weekend, so it'll be there in all its VSF glory.

My next project may well be a private exploration vessel or yacht - something along the lines of this...


  1. It came out great; very impressive - so much details all brought together.

  2. I really enjoyed following your progress on this, with your decisions and materials and all. It turned out very well indeed! A magnificent flying machine!

    That other picture looks very cool and should make for a challenging and fun project if you decide to go forward with that.

  3. While this is not something that particularly interests me, I must confess that you flier looks superb. Very nice work, sir.

    -- Jeff

  4. Your 'yacht' made me think immediately of Dan Dare's 'Anastasia' with an added poop deck! It would be interesting if the front could be detached like Annie's, for separate reconnaisance.

  5. Thanks, gentlemen! I had fun making it, and hope to do another sometime soon. It might not be quite as large as the bottom picture, but it'll definitely be some kind of private exploration vessel.

  6. Great stuff AJ - she looks beautiful!
    Cant wait to see her in action!

  7. Excellent bit of scratch building! Well done!
    Looks very smart...



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