Saturday, October 26, 2013

Locomotive and track

It's been a busy couple of weeks getting the garden ready for winter, plus I'm writing a new novel and copy-editing a previous work. I haven't had much opportunity to do modeling or gaming, but I have cast a few more sections of one meter narrow-gauge railway. I've also managed to take a mold from an old toy locomotive, a casting from which forms the beginnings of the rolling stock needed for the Ukraziland & Gwundaland Light Railway. 

In railway terms the toy represents an 0-6-0 tank engine. The casting I took from it is shown above. I'll build a cab capable of taking one or two figures, add buffers, tender/coal box, a few pipes and lanterns etc. and make it a 0-6-0 maid-of-all-work. If that goes well, I'll build another as an improvised armored locomotive for a military train. Wagons and carriages and so on will follow.

I'm not sure yet which color to make the loco. It appears most engines in colonial service tended to be utilitarian black, which I find boring. I suppose I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Hmm. Bridges! Now there's an idea... 


  1. Railroading looks great.I look forward to seeing it painted...

  2. And so you shall. =) I have two feet of track, and plan to cast another two feet or so to get a length that stretches at least across the middle of my table.



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