Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New recruits for the Ukrazi Tribe

Not entirely to my surprise, I'm unable to fit in the planned skirmish game this coming week, so Baker Platoon can rest easy a little longer. However, I did discover an eBay seller with boxes of Wargames Factory plastic Zulu figures for sale, at the bargain rate of only $9.99. I promptly ordered them, and they're on the way. 

This range has had mixed reviews. Some like the Zulu figures when used en-masse (as I plan to so use them). Almost everybody seems to detest the British infantry from the same set, but since I have no desire to buy any, it's academic to me. It'll be my first experience with the (relatively) new phenomena of hard plastic figures, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they're like. Hopefully, I'll find time to assemble and paint them these next few weeks. 

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