Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Manning the barricade

Corporal Gedge and Privates Hare and Buckley demonstrate their new hard cover.

I had a little spare time today, so I made a quick and easy barricade using Hirst Arts chests, rifle boxes, sacks and a barrel. It gives the infantry something to take cover behind, and maybe get the chance to use the Men of Harlech card. From figure eye-level the sacks do look a little stiff, but this isn't noticeable from the usual gamer's six-hundred-foot tall giant's eye view. When I make others, I'll squish a little spackle under them then wipe the excess away with a damp brush.


  1. Don't shoot until you see the reflection of the dining table in their eyes...Men of Harlech march to glory

  2. Looks quite good to me, AJ.

    -- Jeff



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