Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Brandenberg Quartet*

*Technically these are the four battleships of the Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm class of the Kaiserliche Marine circa 1900, but I didn't let that get in the way of a good blog title.

Back row: Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm,Wörth. Front row: Brandenburg, Weissenburg.

These are all scratch built in 1/2400 scale, about the smallest scale limit for my abilities these days. All are mounted on clear acetate, with the wakes created using thick PVA mixed with white craft paint followed by a coat of gloss varnish.

I aim to clear the gaming table and try out a set of rules called Battlefleet 1900 by War Times Journal go get a feel for them. After that, the German fleet will need a few cruisers of one kind and another for the hypothetical 'Morocco Crisis turned hot' mini campaign scenario I have in mind.



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