Thursday, November 29, 2018


So, after a difficult three weeks in England we made it back home to America in one piece (albeit with sore throats and sniffles) to find snow on the ground. My wife and I are unwinding, and with the jet lag fading away it's time to check the stuff I brought back from Blighty.

I recovered my 1/300th scale Sudan, Early Imperial Roman and Germanic tribal forces, along with some pieces of scenery for the latter. I also brought back my 1/1200th WW2 naval collection, including aircraft, and a whole batch of semi-painted and unpainted 15mm 13th Century knights and men-at-arms. I'm thinking of using them for the two Barons Wars, and I'm open to suggestions for rules to use for these. Photos to follow once I've sorted everything out.

Now I've got everything here, I have to rearrange some furniture to make storage space for it. Once done, I'll be able to stage actual wargames - what a concept!

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