Saturday, August 22, 2015


Not much happening gaming or modelling wise this week. An excruciating pain in my left leg meant a trip to hospital and orders to rest up for a few days. There were no blood clots moving around and doing bad things, thank goodness, and the leg is feeling better every day. I have a follow-up check with my GP on Monday. Hopefully she'll give me the all-clear.

In the meantime, I did manage to make a start on an N scale model alms house for my VBCW gaming. It'll feature in an up-coming game as part of the campaign between the Thetford Anglican League and the BUF of Bury St. Edmunds.


  1. Please know that you have my best wishes for a quick and complete recovery from your sore leg.

    -- Jeff

  2. Hope you continue to move forward healthiest.

  3. I hope you are on the mend soon, best wishes.

  4. I hope that whatever is causing you this pain passes quickly.

    Get well soon,


  5. Hi A.J.!

    Glad to hear that you're on the mend. Hope the Doc gives you a clean bill of health.

    Take Care,


  6. Thank you for your kind thoughts and wishes, gentlemen! I'm improving, but it's a slow process. My wife is keeping an eye on me, ensuring I don't try to do too much. =)

  7. Get better soon mate - the Empire needs you back in full fighting form!



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