Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

2014 is behind us, 2015 lies ahead. 
I wish everyone 
 Peaceful and Prosperous New Year!
* * * *
So, what next..? I have a batch of Pendraken Miniatures 10mm SCW infantry on the painting block, being painted up as BUF. Once I get the spare factional command elements done, the only additions I'll make to my VBCW collection will be Boyes AT rifle teams and some more buildings. After that, I'll consider the collection finished.

The adventures of the Barsetshire Regt. in G'Wundaland will continue. I may add a Naval Landing Party and a few cavalrymen to boost the force, time and funds permitting.

I hope to start a small NW Europe 1944-45 collection in 10mm, configured to the Chain of Command rules, again, time and funds permitting. 

My wargamer son-in-law is currently sorting through the stuff I had to leave in my gaming shed back in England. With luck and a following wind he'll be able to dispose of the figures and models I don't want. One of these days I hope to be reunited with my /1300th Sudan and Early Imperial Roman collection. We'll see...



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