Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A little bit of sculpting

My planned Darkest Africa game is set for sometime in the next few days. Since I've been dissatisfied with the limited poses on my casualty figures I made a few more using Sculpey. I'm certainly not the greatest figure sculptor in the world, but these figures are meant to be more representational than specific.

I added a new British and native figure apiece and two askaris. They'll serve as Belgian Force Publique, but will be used for other askari types. I might add another couple of native poses for the sake of variety. The heads and arms are left over from a Wargames Factory Zulu pack and will be added once the Sculpey has baked.  


  1. Did you sculpt them from scratch or did you modify an existing figure?

  2. They're half and half, in a way. The British soldier casualty (2nd from top) is entirely sculpted, the two askaris (the right-hand pair) are mostly sculpted, but their heads and the heads and arms of the natives are spares from the WF Zulus.



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