Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tembe on the Hill

A prestigious address, soon to be contested. 

The last act of the Raid on the Tembe mini-campaign was fought today. A report from our correspondent with the column will follow soon.
* * *
In other news, Pendraken Miniatures will be holding their 20th Birthday Bash this weekend. The celebrations include 10% off all orders placed on Saturday and Sunday, so I'll take the chance to order some more 10mm AVBCW figures to bring the Socialist Militia and Flegg Fencibles LDV up to strength. I plan to add artillery and an armored vehicle apiece, along with Vickers and Lewis guns. 

I'm working on scenery in the same scale, and have found a neat method of producing hedgerows. A lack of some raw materials is slowing things up, but I hope to move it along soon.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to the battle account, AJ . . . hopefully it will appear relatively soon.

    -- Jeff



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