Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Watchtower - 1

On to another project - a watchtower. These were used by British and Imperial forces throughout the Colonial period, were often constructed of wood, and frequently attached to or mounted upon blockhouses. Mine will be free-standing. 

The picture above shows me halfway through the tiling process. For no particular reason I decided on a shingle-effect roofing rather than corrugated iron or thatch. Each tile is cut from thin card and applied to the glued surface. The cap is made of air-dried clay. 

The photo below shows construction so far. The uprights are kebob skewers, and the cross-struts are square-cut sandwich sticks. I used basswood for the sides, and short sections of craft sticks for the platform, since these give a sturdy surface for up to four figures to stand. Next up will be the diagonal struts and a ladder, a gate to give access to the platform, followed by painting and the application of scenic effect to the base.     

Pvt. Jack Lewis draws a bead on something off camera...

This particular tower will feature as the centerpiece in my next game. I have another couple of ideas to work out, but I should be ready to play it out within the month. 

* * *
A further thought on the casualty figures I made. When I make another batch of masters I think I'll set them on bases with a little scenic effect around them. That way when I make the mold, the bases will be part of the figure, which should make them stronger and easier to handle.


  1. Hi AJ,
    the watchtower is looking good so far. I know that the individual card tiles take quite a while to stick on the model but they look very effective. I'm looking forward to seeing it in a game.

    How did the Gunboat turn out in the end - any chance of a finished picture?

    all the best


  2. Hi Ian, thanks. Yes, the individual card tiles do take time - although not *that* long - to stick on. It does make for a much stronger roof, which is important when handling during a game.

    The Flatiron gunboat is still on the slipways, but I should be able to place an order for the various ship fittings next week to finish it off.



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