Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Couple of Links of Interest

Not much going on in the gaming department lately, as I'm getting ready for a number of upcoming SF conventions. I hope to fight the next game of the VBCW campaign soon. 

In the meantime, I've found a couple of links that may be of interest to Victorian Colonial/Darkest Africa/SF/Steampunk/Pulp/Back of Beyond gamers. 

Tiger Miniatures (UK) have a lot of nice shiny figures from various conflicts outside the periods usually gamed, including some mule-mounted German askaris...
Photo from Tiger Miniatures.
...of definite interest to me. Tiger even include a number of comparison photos near the bottom of their main page so buyers can see how they match up to other popular ranges.

And, via Terry Sofian on the Space:1889 forum, we have the Kickstarter 28mm 'Phroggs.' It looks like they're near their total to go ahead, and the figures have all kinds of possibilities...


home page uniques