Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Never look a gift house in the mouth.

A friend gave me this nice little resin piece whilst my wife and I were in England.  

Socialist militia investigate a cottage.
It's hollow resin, manufacturer unknown. It was already painted but lacked depth, so I gave it a wash of sepia ink then dry brushed off-white to bring out the stonework. The scale is on or around 1/150th, so it's going in with my AVBCW collection.

A tour of neighborhood garage sales this weekend turned up this unexpected gem... 

One of the classic works by one of the experts on tank warfare, I'm surprised it turned up in a small town in Northwest Ohio. We got there at the time when the sellers were offering books at half-price, in this case $2.50, so it's something of a bargain. Now all I need is a bookcase to put this and my other books in. Maybe we'll find one at the next round of garage sales!

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